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What are the pillars of Design Thinking?

February 12, 2021

The concept of Design Thinking refers to the application of the thinking method coming from the design area - as the name says - to other areas of a company, in order to transform it into a critical and creative ones.

Its biggest objective is to find collective solutions to solve problems and optimize processes in the business environment. In a simpler way, it is the method of stimulating change of thought through contact with new perspectives, in order to develop the creativity of individuals from the moment they perceive a new way of evaluating a given situation.

Pillars of Design Thinking​

The Design Thinking concept has three pillars, which are the basis for its support:

Empathy: The first pillar brings the concept of understanding the other, putting yourself in his place with the aim of understanding his social context, common habits, his behavior and the choices made throughout his life. In this way, it is possible to develop a human vision of an individual's needs and desires, which guarantees a huge advantage when planning products and business strategies.

Collaboration: To achieve innovative and creative results, it is necessary to involve the greatest number of talents from the most diverse areas of a company. The concept of collaboration aims to bring together different perspectives on a given subject to develop the best and most assertive strategy possible.

Experimentation: What is on paper does not always produce good results, so it is necessary to test a strategy before applying it. Experimentation consists of observing and analyzing ideas in different scenarios, with different people and circumstances, in order to collect and absorb feedback to improve the initial strategy.

Thus, the process becomes continuous, always looking for improvement to reduce the risk of errors.

Benefits of Design Thinking

From the Design Thinking method it is possible to have a more united team, since everyone will have to work together in pursuit of the same goals. This brings a great strengthening of the feeling of teamwork and improves the internal communication process, reducing process errors.

The creativity of employees also increases, since contact with other perspectives makes our brain create new ways to solve problems.

Another advantage that can be noticed is the construction and maintenance of the relationship with the customer, since Design Thinking has as one of its pillars the understanding of the other. Once a company understands a customer's desires and habits, it is easier to approach them and maintain a long-lasting relationship.

Get to know SkilLab

Now that you know more about Design Thinking and understand what benefits it can bring to your company, contact SkilLab and learn about our corporate training and gamification services - a strategy that has appeared on the market as a tendency to engage and develop skills among employees.

Contact us and we'll be happy to help you.