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Why use games in corporative training?

· Serious Games,Facilitation,Training and Development

In order to propose an innovative and efficient corporate training for their employees, many companies have been opting for the application of corporate games during training.

The corporate gaming method consists on the application of playful quality activities, with the objective of stimulating positive changes in professional and personal behavior, in addition to improving teamwork, all through recreational games that simulate real situations.

Usually divided between "cooperative" and "competitive" corporate games are a strategy used more and more in large companies for good results and good acceptance. Want to know exactly why? Check this out!

Corporative Games develop collaboration

In any company's sector, teamwork is a fundamental piece for a satisfactory delivery of results, and it is exactly one of the biggest focuses in the realization of corporate games. The application of activities that require cooperation and joint thinking brings employees closer together, reinforces their relationship and demonstrates how team union benefits everyone.

Corporate games focused on collaboration also reinforce the feeling of equality among employees, where no one is more important, and everyone is needed to perform the activity and achieve the best result possible .

Activities that require cooperation, such as role-play, scavenger hunts or theater, are great and fun examples.

Corporative Games develop friendly competition

In the workspace, competition is an element that is always present. Corporate games can be applied to stimulate this competition in a friendly way, being useful to develop productivity, greater assertiveness in decision making, and awaken the need to always be the best possible.

These activities encourage good competition to demonstrate how the actions and choices of the winning side impacted their own success in the activity, thus encouraging the sharing of experiences and successful cases among employees.

So, we level the learning for both of those who stand out - what were their strategies? what did you do to win? - as those who don't get along so well - what would they do differently? why do you believe your strategy didn't work? After all, if the chances are equal for everyone, what did the winning employee do the most to achieve success?

Competitions involving logical thinking, manual skills, and problem solving are good examples of competitive corporate games.

Corporative games are much more than group dynamics

Much more than a group of employees brought together for a typical dynamic, corporate games are playful tools carefully planned and applied to serve the purpose of learning and improvement.

Corporate games must have trained facilitators, ready to plan and define the rules of the corporate game that fit with the objective and available space. A well-planned activity can serve audiences of both 15 and 500 participants.

Corporative games are useful even as behavioral evaluators

The purely behavioral value in which a corporate game puts the participant, whether cooperating or competing with others, ends up revealing elements present in the behavior of a specific employee, such as:

- Marked shyness;

- Lack of harmony between certain individuals;

- Competitive friction between participants.

It is for this reason that recreational activities are incorporated even during collective job selections.

The insertion of recreational activities in the previously serious and traditional environment of companies has been gaining space and will not budge.

SkilLab is a training and gamification company that helps individuals and organizations to prosper.

Using facilitation, design, gamification and psychology methodologies, we co-create training solutions to help you and your company achieve real results. Contact us to see how we can help you!

Text developed by the SkilLab Content team.